
Running A Masjid: A Note For Trustees

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In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Praise be to Allah, Master of All Existence, in whose Hand is the destiny of all humans and jinns, and who has full power to do anything He pleases. All universes are maintained by His Light and encompassed by His Knowledge. And may peace and blessings […]


Gender Relations in Islam

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BETWEEN ETHICAL QUESTIONS AND LEGAL ANSWERS: A CRITICALLY CONTEXTUALISED APPROACH TO TEXTUAL READINGS CONCERNING GENDER RELATIONS IN ISLAM  Sidi Uthman Bhally   Amina Wadud (b1952), a scholar of the Qur’an, Islamic studies and a Muslim feminist declares a ‘gender jihad’ (Esposito, (2010), 121) which challenges those literalists who construe the Qur’an as a misogynistic text […]